Dark Web
Secured Dark Web Sites For Safe Browsing Experience
Be it deep web or dark web, what users are asking for is a safe browsing capability. Those who are into dark web surfing often requires hassle free secured browsing experience. Safe surfing is of paramount importance when it comes to marketplaces where the users are anonymous. For those who are searching for tips and tricks to go deep into the darkness of the internet, this article will give a highlight of the best web sites and servers available for browsing dark web.
Hidden wiki: – The Google of Dark Web
Welcome newcomers, Hidden Wiki is the playground for those who just installed a Tor Browser for the first time. Dark Web has a lot of options for all kinds of stuff but when it comes to searching the links, Hidden Wiki is an indexer that has information and assists users to move on to their favorite marketplaces. Hidden wiki has a very simple user interface which provides users with a simple static page with some links. They don’t host any content by themselves. It is assumed that Hidden Wiki will stay there at the top among the list of most searched pages for many more years.
Hidden Wallet: Digital transactions of dark web
Securing your payments is another important aspect that users need to take care of in dark web. While it is easy to perform debit/credit transactions in dark web, chances of your personal information being hacked are very high. Hidden Wallet, as its name suggests, is a digital wallet service that provides anonymity and safe browsing for users. It is different from other web links in the dark net due to the fact that they are hidden and provides anonymity. Most of the other links out there simply provides users with alternative banking channels that follow financial regulations.
Dream Market: – Marketplace for everyone
Dream Market has been the Amazon of many users of dark web who have a secure wallet transaction system and anonymous mail. Since illegal trading is roaming freely in various markets in the dark, authorities are always on the run to identify and lock down on culprits. An excellent example is the taking down of Silk Road, the first ever dark net market in the modern era. However, comparing the dark mesh to an ocean, Dream Market is just a pool of water out there with lot of big markets still roaming freely.
Darker side of Facebook
Yes, you read it right. Facebook has a darker side with almost all the features that you enjoy in the brighter side available in dark mode also. The social media tycoon has published that the Tor service provided by them has a secure TLS connected mode that assures users anonymity and security. However, those who are prepared to indulge in the darker shade of Facebook, be ready to experience delay in service since the Tor counterpart is not as lightning quick as the original www version.
Secure and reliable hosting for dark web users
If you are fed up with your local hosting provider or if the agreements you entered into are causing a headache, then welcome to the tor network. Dark web features services for every single person on the planet and that includes those craving for web space also. Here Linux oriented servers that functions on PHP scripting are available for cheap rates i.e.; under 200$ annually.
Bitcoin for dark web
What makes digital transactions secure is the point that no personal information is transferred during the transaction time thereby delivering fool proof security for end users. Even though many version of cryptocurrencies are available, Bitcoin has emerged as the leader due to its ease of use and early development in the beginning of the digital transaction era. Tor users enjoy facilities provided by bitcoin when it comes to purchase from online marketplaces. By now, if you are skeptical of how and why should I buy bitcoin from Tor networks, then HTTPS is the answer. The services provided include a reliable HTTPS server connection that is secure and enjoys the Transport Security Layer or the TLS as the provider in port 443 which is exceptional security.
Whistleblowing and degenerative policing
While old users are accustomed to hearing about policing in the dark web, there are reports of excessive policing in most of the forums hosted in dark web. This leads to anxious users exiting the system thereby decreasing the overall user count of the group. If you are fed up of this sort of policing, then Netpoleaks is the place to report activities pertaining but not limited to policing in dark web forums. Working with the monetary aid of Hermes Center for Transparency and Digital Human Rights, the Netpoleaks is the place for submission of sensitive information. Anonymity is assured in Netpoleaks. The information that is send through this system can be anything ranging from protest, community policing, discriminatory social order issues or surveillance.
Torch browser
So you have a good idea of the tor network and has already installed the tor browser. Wait, so if you don’t have any links bookmarked, how will you access the dark web? Torch Browser is the solution for you. It is the Google of dark web. Torch features security browsing and many other reliable features. Don’t expect the lightning quick responses provided by Google since the medium through with packets travel in a Tor network are relayed.
Tor shops
WYWIWYG builders are prevalent in the surface web. How about trying something that features everything that you need to build a website? Tor shops helps users to build their own content based web pages. It has a store mode that helps you design a tor shop with commendable flexibility. Services like digital transactions including cryptocurrencies and cheap installation fee attract users to tor shops every often. Get engaged in your dream shop within no time by using facilities provided by tor shops.
Express VPN
Even though Tor provides that layer of reliability and security, a major share of the users are worried about their identity in the dark net. While VPN service provide that coating over the tor security free services are almost always traceable. Express VPN is a good option for users who require a comfort over and above their safe zone searches. Express VPN has provided services to millions of users in the clear net version and has now carved a niche for themselves in the dark net version also.
Hiring a hitman or a fraudster has been an easy option in the web nowadays. However, the deal is almost a dream in the Clearnet. Welcome to dark net where hackers are ready at your service. Real world hackers offer services ranging from social media account phishing to entire server takedown. Services are cheap and start at few hundreds of dollars and vary as per the services sought for. If hiring a hacker is your concern, then Rent-a-Hacker is at your service.
Apple products for cryptocurrencies
For users who are hardcore fans of Apple products, the dark net also provides for online payments using cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin is the leading promoter of digital transaction chains in the dark web. MacBook, iPhone and Apple gadgets can be brought though the Apple 4 Bitcoin web link. However, most of the bestselling models are only available and those fresh, out of the factory pieces and models may not be readily available in this market.
Camp Fire
The modern social media fanatics have rarely heard about IRC or Internet Relay Chat. Chatrooms buzzing with activity has been the days of the past for those who enjoyed the internet in the early years of this millennium. Camp Fire brings those golden days back to life for those who badly miss IRC rooms. Camp Fire is a social site where English is the chosen language. There are chat rooms for specific chats. Camp Fire offers attachments suited for families and therefore there is a strict filtering of porn and drug related activities. Bullying is also treated as a serious offence here, so beware bullies. Camp Fire is not the place for you.
Speaking your heart out has always been the mainstay of deep web links. Dark net also offers a version of the independent journalism concept. It is named Propublica. Although connectivity to Propublica has been an issue at times, the organization is non-profit and has been the front face of dark web. There is a 24*7 live URL to connect to Propublica. This can be accessed using Tor Browser.
Bitumen is a free email delivering content provider that works seamlessly in the tor network. The service provided by Bitumen is totally free and has no in place tracking algorithm to find what you mailed or what you searched for. Bitumen follows the principles of tor networks and has an anonymous system that has a clean interface. Some of the services provided by bitumen can be easily compared with those provided by Open Web service providers. You can also find Tor email providers here.
ESCROW Services
Safe options for business promotion has always been another important reason why users opt for dark net. ESCROW provides reliable services for businessmen with a nominal transaction fee at low rates not exceeding 1.5 %. The transactions can be carried out with the help of bitcoin, another way to ease the pressure on the individuals performing the transaction. ESCROW services can help you to valuate offers and inspect the received products before making the payment, thus offering seamless customer satisfaction.
WASABI wallet
Wasabi Wallet is a digital transaction wallet that is primarily used for bitcoin transactions. Even though many platforms run it, bitcoin enjoys the major share. There is a dedicated Onion URL for those who are concerned about their identity online. The security of Wasabi Wallet will offer an experience like no other when it comes to security standards. Clubbed with the reliability of Tor network and any VPN like Express VPN, this is the best option for users of dark markets.
Securedrop is an anonymous, tor compatible submission system for whistleblowers. Yes, you read it right, for whistleblowers. It is mainly targeted at organizations that provide news from all over the world. Some of the main advantages of Securedrop includes own servers, hard to crack encryption methods, minimalist in use of metadata and industry leading security standards. The latest version out in the market is 1.5.1. Medical companies, journalists and think tanks of leading newspapers all over the world rely on Securedrop for their services.
With just over 81 million research papers and scholarly articles in its collection, Sci-Hub is undoubtedly one of the best options in dark net to download journals, articles and research papers. Sci Hub has been in the markets for some time and has a very reliable server that is loaded and ready to fire. Best of all, the access is free for all. Those who are preparing to brush up their skills or ready to start afresh can access Sci Hub.
Dark web and associated queries
When exactly did Dark Web started its functioning?
Dark Web has a glorious past that can be traced back to the early days of the Clearnet. It was developed alongside Clearnet with a vision to provide unhindered service to one and all. Although official records pertaining to the development or functionality of dark network is not available readily, insiders argue that the development of this mode of internet started alongside the clear net.
Legal sanctity and Deep web
Often the words dark and deep are misinterpreted when it comes to web systems. However, it has to be noticed that deep web is not prohibited. It is just un indexed portion of the internet. While un-indexing is not a crime, involving in activities relating to illegal trade and hoarding definitely is.
Is it safe to access dark web?
The answer lies in the responsibility of the user who is accessing the dark web system. There are potholes lurking around in the clear net also. What a user need to do is to protect his identity by deploying VPN and digital transactions such as bitcoin. This helps to stay clear to an extent from hackers and phishers. Learn more about how to access the dark web here.
Is everything available in the dark web?
The dark web hosts just about anything for users through different dark web links. There are arms and ammunitions, drugs, fake accounts and bank details, medical documents, porn videos and lots of illegal stuff out there.
Is Tor trackable?
Tor as such uses a relay system to connect peers. It connects to the server using two to three servers worldwide thereby relaying the whole process. This delays the system as a whole but ensures that identity is not revealed. However, this system is not free from defects. It is always a better option to add a VPN to toughen up.
Is DuckDuckGo a part of dark web
DuckDuckGo is similar to Google. It searches the Tor network and returns Onion links. It has enhanced security features. The web link to download DuckDuckGo is https://3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion/.
Final Note
Users who have recently joined the tor network are requested to stay safe and anonymous online. It is a good idea to keep track of the security concerns raised by users in various forums. There is more to it than what was read in this article. Stay safe and happy browsing.